By Anonymous - 03/03/2015 22:02 - Germany - Lahr

Today, after several sleepless nights full of crying, I went to my university's free help center. After telling the psychologist my problems and asking what to do, he looked at me blankly and said, "Uh, it's not depression, I guess. You should go out more and, like, party some more." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 622
You deserved it 3 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jentrynicole 20

You need to go see a real counselor. Depression is a serious issue and to have someone the school employs take it so lightly is really worrisome.

Some people don't really understand from others point of view.


Remind me to never go to that guy. Where'd he get his degree, on the back of a cereal box? I could give better advice than THAT, and I can tell you now that his advice is crap. My advice? Go to an ACTUAL doctor and see what they think. If they came just randomly then maybe. If you've been crying due to a reason you left out or something that can factor in then well, again, go to someone who actually knows what they're doing. Now you know why it was "Free Help"... Hope things turn upside for you soon, OP!

Find a real counsellor. Talk to your GP. Depending on where you are, you might be able to get some free sessions covered by your medical system. Sounds like one I unfortunately know that said the most liberating solution for hoarding was to "have a house fire".

I'm not a psychiatrist but I don't think that's how you deal with depression. If it's not severe, spending time with other people might help but partying probably isn't going to help. Just because OP is college doesn't mean they're a party animal and the counselor should know that. They might be shy, even to the point of Social Anxiety and being in a large group of people would do more harm then good. I should know because the idea going to a party makes me very uncomfortable.