By Anonymous - 03/03/2015 22:02 - Germany - Lahr

Today, after several sleepless nights full of crying, I went to my university's free help center. After telling the psychologist my problems and asking what to do, he looked at me blankly and said, "Uh, it's not depression, I guess. You should go out more and, like, party some more." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 622
You deserved it 3 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jentrynicole 20

You need to go see a real counselor. Depression is a serious issue and to have someone the school employs take it so lightly is really worrisome.

Some people don't really understand from others point of view.


candyguurl 9

psychologist? hmm sounds a bit off. at least give the advice a chance.

shutupyou 11

I'm going to see my schools psychologist tomorrow. Maybe I should cancel...?

Always seek help if you think you need it. I would suggest you go to your appointment tomorrow, but if it leaves you dissatisfied, seek help elsewhere. There are hotlines available depending on where you live, and your local GP can be a good place to start as well.

Feeling down for a week isn't enough to diagnose clinical depression, and if those were the only symptoms the OP presented with, he might be correct. Having said that, if you don't have confidence in the diagnosis, or you have other symptoms you haven't mentioned in your post, get a second opinion. I approached my local GP who was helpful and referred me on to a specialist, and I'd recommend doing the same. Good on you for seeking help.

Mooglefox 23

He did also tell you to go get laid as well

Everyone is ******** on the psychologist saying they didn't do their job, when infact they were! Psychologist don't just go around handing out diagnoses of serious illnesses to people who clearly don't have it! Everyone needs to stop with the self diagnosis bullshit and learn the actual symptoms!

rifletwirler92 15

Uh did you even read the FML? Qualified professionals don't and shouldn't give advice like that. That's why everyone is ******** on him because he gave shitty advice. Even if she's just sad that's still terrible advice.

As someone currently doing a degree in clinical psychology, it was awful advice. A professional would not just tell you to "party some more" when you tell them that you've had several sleepless nights full of crying.

a) could it be homesickness and b) it sounds like that guy is high and needs to be reported