By Anonymous - 03/03/2015 22:02 - Germany - Lahr

Today, after several sleepless nights full of crying, I went to my university's free help center. After telling the psychologist my problems and asking what to do, he looked at me blankly and said, "Uh, it's not depression, I guess. You should go out more and, like, party some more." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 622
You deserved it 3 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jentrynicole 20

You need to go see a real counselor. Depression is a serious issue and to have someone the school employs take it so lightly is really worrisome.

Some people don't really understand from others point of view.


Seek outside help. He didn't seem genuinely interested in giving you useful information or maybe he's uneducated himself, dunno. Sounds like advice my seventeen year old brother would give.

orsombre_fml 11

A good psychologist would have taken seriously the fact that you cry regularly. Yes, it is a very serious symtom. See somebody else ASAP, OP! Depression is not a disease that you can heal by yourself. You need help by a professional you trust. Another advice from a depression "survivor": If you have enough energy, go out for a walk, the longest the best. After 45 minutes of walking, the body and the respiration are synchronized, and your internal organs receive a free deep massage. Do it every day and any time you feel upset or unable to take a decision. It helps tremendously! Do it every day. If you cannot bear the idea of walking out from your place, don't hesitate to do it at home.

Sounds like a good solution to me... No but seriously talk to real doctor. Depression is a serious issue. Good luck and I hope you get better.

Report him. He shouldn't be doing that job.

you need to find an actual counsellor who'll hear you out and give realistic advice

Loads of people in the comments jumping at the psychologist but they are probably right the dsm5 has specific criteria to be met and they only mention 1 symptom but to be diagnosed you need to have 5 out of the 9 for 2 weeks not several days. The psychologist was telling them to be more social

The psychologist is not right. (I actually suspect they're not a psychologist and are a counsellor as universities more commonly employ counsellors - tbh they are more likely to be unqualified at all to give that kind of response). Yes to qualify for clinical depression there must be more than one symptom for a prolonged period of time. Just because OP did not list all their symptoms on FML doesn't mean they have only one symptom, and the symptom they listed is a serious one. They may not meet the criteria for depression and didn't even say they did, but something is clearly wrong and the attitude/"advice" they received are entirely inadequate, unprofessional and unacceptable. Additionally, a psychologist who sticks so strictly to diagnosing clinical disorders from the guidelines and not helping patients who do not meet these criteria (by referring them to appropriate services, e.g.) is unlikely to be a good one. Perhaps that is why everyone is 'jumping at the psychologist'.

@49 I doubt they were even a counselor. Counselors are licensed professionals who are qualified to diagnose (depending on the state). This person sounds like they are in peer support or work study.

he tried to use reverse psychology but failed with the wrong choice of words

YDI for mismatching doctor and janitor.

momac86 17

May as well try it out and see if you feel better but still seek real help also

I know how it feels to get crappy advice, I went to the doctor before after I could barely even drag myself out of bed anymore and was crying at the tiniest things, he didn't even listen to anything I was saying before deciding I had anger issues spawned from a deep resentment of my dad, he only decided this after finding out my parents were divorced even though I didn't so much as mention my dad. Not even close and I never went back there, total waste of time.