By uthinkucandraw - 27/02/2009 21:19 - United States

Today, I flew into New Zealand to surprise my girlfriend on her trip. In the New Zealand Airport I received a text message saying she wanted to break up with me. I live in Michigan and just spent $1,500 for this romantic surprise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 687
You deserved it 7 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damn that sucks!!!!!!! frickin hoes!!!!!

Yeah, definitely go sex crazy. And go see an All Blacks game, New Zealand rugby is awesome!


damn that sucks!!!!!!! frickin hoes!!!!!

marleytooyou 0

at first I thought he meant the text message cost him 15,000 dollars! I was all confused.

banna2286 0

when will peple realize that these romantic suprises never work out

NoelZ 0

115 your ******* stupid. kbye

SW500 13

Yeah there's something with Michigan chicks...

bannamann 4

It was only 1,500 dollars not 15,000

#127 ; hey bro, not all michigan girls have problems. some of them are nice.! like meeee. lol :p

Dr_Phil 0

This reminds me of a song that goes like this (please don't mod me): Bitches aint s**t but hoes and tricks. Lick on these nuts and suck the d***.

You know what dude? I know how you feel... i did the same, except I'm in New York and she was in California... ya just gotta keep on truckin'...or flying.

Yeah, definitely go sex crazy. And go see an All Blacks game, New Zealand rugby is awesome!

While you're there, have some crazy fun! Then make that ****-ass ex-gf of yours pay you back.

Why should she pay him back? She didn't tell him to fly there. She isn't obligated to stay in a relationship if it's not what she wants

That sucks, but it gives you an opportunity to go on a bender in NZ- I suggest you start now. If you arn't already drunk, make sure there is a cold Steinlager in your hand in the next 15 minutes.

Oh no!!! And as soon as you arrived there too, ugh...I'm sorry that happened to you. It sucks x( And # 14, I think you kinda missed the point of what they were saying haha...reread the posts :P

aww that really stinks, i'm sorry..who breaks up with a text message?! while they are on the other side of the world?!!! but that was a really sweet thing to do..and i've heard new zealand is beautiful=]

MyFullContrast 0

Forget her ! Enjoy yourself now! It'll be stupid if you spent all that money and just went back home.