By oxbonxo - 07/02/2011 08:38 - Australia

Today, after hanging up the phone, I realised that telemarketers are my only form of social life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 594
You deserved it 6 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

muchagente 5

that is not quite true. you also have the fml-website.


skyttlz 32

"go out and make friends" easier said than done

Well get some friends.. There's always someone you fit in with. [: You just have to give it a chance ^^

TheDrop 0

don't talk to people. be alone alone forever. die. it's the circle of life

DakotaCat 4

Sorry dear, this Fml has been done more times than the village *****.. Frankly, I don't give a cojone!

make some real friends :) I thought Australians r d least lonely ppl in d world

FYLDeep 25

While the OP eats a corn-dog, or while Clay Aiken eats a corn-dog? Or both? Sucking down corn-dogs together maybe?

zkchild 0

They are true friends because they call back even when you say to stop.

muchagente 5

that is not quite true. you also have the fml-website.

jayAZ 3

thanks! what about FML!? that's social. :p