By Anonymous - 04/01/2010 07:01 - United States

Today, I realized that getting an awesome new phone with all the new bells and whistles doesn't mean that people will now actually want to talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 027
You deserved it 27 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should get some materialistic friends. Then they won't mind you waving it in their faces.


holaworld 0

I'm sorry :( it will be better. I have a swollen eye

Reyo 2

OP: You sound just like that one bitch who wore a Wedding ring so people would "talk to her".

YDI for having a phone with bells and whistles.

Should get some materialistic friends. Then they won't mind you waving it in their faces.

remy_xi 0

That sucks. Hmmm. Post your number on Mystery Google?

Yeah, your friends from Candyland and Captain Kanuckles are going to ring you up just to hear their voice echo in your new phone.. Someone needs to call you and Blow a whistle.

pwincessa23 1

try being more outgoing. don't be so superficial.

shockcrow 0

ehh, if u really wanted friends, u would try ur best. But yea.. it can be tough sometimes.

lickmyjock 0