By Lovejunkie - 01/03/2010 07:30 - United States

Today, after finalizing my divorce, I decided to go out with a guy I had been ogling for months, after much anticipation and a few rounds of drinks at the bar, I was ready to roll. Much to my disappointment, his penis was so small the condom wouldn't stay on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 697
You deserved it 8 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't care what anyone says, when it comes down to situations like this; size does really matter folks!


AND??? It doesn't matter how big his parts are if you actually like him! Grow a heart!

e_stone_85 3

The way i read this, is not that she has an issue with his penis size but rather that the condom won't stay on the penis. I don't fault her for wanting to keep herself protected. Hang in there hun, there are other ways to enjoy sexy times together.

cynthiastarz 10

Its not his fault. Thats the way he was born.:(. Try try try again.

This is unfair as you should be on control then... No exactly te guys fault of what he was born with... The day my girl found out i cant fit the smallest condoms they sell she wnt out and got birth control... She doesnt lie the feel of condoms anyways so it was a win win... Your just shallow and really dont care about others if this is an fml for you.

HighlandShadows 48

Kind of jumping to conclusions here? You don't know OP's situation, maybe she can't take the pill. Some women can't because they have adverse effects.

dannnngthatsux 19

Sounds like a situation for him to show off his oral skills.

kittykat1501 31

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