By itsnotyouitsme - 20/04/2016 18:54 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after breaking up with my boyfriend of 2 years, I was backing out of his driveway when he came running out yelling "STOP!" I thought he wanted to make up so I kept going, until I'd run over his dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 320
You deserved it 35 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seriously deserve this... F his life for being broken up with and having his dog run over in one day.

What if a kid was there?! Anytime someone waves their arms frantically and yells stop while you are driving, you should probably stop. And poor dog :(


you are terrible! "stop" means STOP. if it weren't serious, he most likely wouldn't have said it. YDI for being a terrible listener.

Why the hell are so many people defending OP?

because their is logic, and some people could relate to being in an emotional state to ignore "logic", but ex is still a bit irresponsible with his pet too.

because there is still some logic and can relate to being in a situation of being so emotional to "ignore logic", or if they went through the same thing, they would ignore their ex too and just drive off, but the ex seems a bit of an irresponsible.

Accidents happen that's why. Only a sociopath would kill an animal for no reason. There are some people on here acting like she's the worst human being in the world. People make mistakes and sometimes they hit animals with their cars. Sometimes it's unavoidable and sometimes like this instance it was preventable (in hindsight).

BillysBurgers 5

You broke his heart and accidentally ran over his dog. Good job, OP. Good job.

I understand how you would feel in the heat of the moment and not wanting to talk to him anymore at that time... You seem remorseful I hope the little pooch is ok

You need help. YDI and if you get run over its karma. Soru but im not sorry

When an animal and cockiness is involved, I can't help but call you what you really are...A BITCH! Better hope his dog is OK or otherwise, I hope karma backs into you hard.

he said stop not wait. rip dog. you should feel bad