By itsnotyouitsme - 20/04/2016 18:54 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after breaking up with my boyfriend of 2 years, I was backing out of his driveway when he came running out yelling "STOP!" I thought he wanted to make up so I kept going, until I'd run over his dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 320
You deserved it 35 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seriously deserve this... F his life for being broken up with and having his dog run over in one day.

What if a kid was there?! Anytime someone waves their arms frantically and yells stop while you are driving, you should probably stop. And poor dog :(


stop stäp/ verb 1. (of an event, action, or process) come to an end; cease to happen. "his laughter stopped as quickly as it had begun" synonyms: conclude, come to an end/stop/standstill, cease, end, finish, draw to a close, be over, terminate; More 2. cause (an action, process, or event) to come to an end. "this harassment has got to be stopped" synonyms: put an end/stop/halt to, bring to an end/stop/halt/close/standstill, end, halt; More noun 1. a cessation of movement or operation. "all business came to a stop" synonyms: halt, end, finish, close, standstill; More 2. a set of organ pipes of a particular tone and range of pitch.

Adding a reply to this comment section will most likely result in digital bullets being shot at me, but here's my view on things: I Agree, Your Life Sucks- -She was most likely not in the right state of mind, after going through the difficult situation -She didn't want to confront her ex-boyfriend after breaking up -"Stop" may not have been enough for her to understand what was happening -It was an accident after all, she didn't mean to harm the dog -This is FML format, she wants to share somethign bad, but has to make the focus somehow on herself You Deserved It- -Being together for 2 years, she should have known there was a dog in the area -If someone says "Stop" so frantically, it's most likely important -She should have looked before driving -The dog really did not deserve this -She is in the wrong, not her ex or his dog, the focus should not be on her Okay, did I get it all? I'll stay neutral about the situation, since I understand both sides' arguments.

Consider this. FML has a double meaning to it, so really FYL for that.

How much did you pay to get your drivers license ?

Coming from a person who would die if my dog died, **** you.

Psyqiik 18
Imhere4fml 24

Your ex is lucky to not have you anymore.

Jachin357 28

You broke his heart, then you kill his dog. You deserve every bit of this.