By iliana74 - 20/04/2016 16:07 - United States - Hamilton

Today, a woman came up to me and sheepishly asked if my son is single. He's not my son, he's my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 953
You deserved it 2 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adkim78 17

my mom and my brother have the opposite problem. Asian moms never age, I guess..

Its also kind of an insult since OP was basically told that she looked old.


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No, a hoe would have just gone straight for the guy before determining if he's single or not.

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Its also kind of an insult since OP was basically told that she looked old.

Maybe her boyfriend just looked really young.

You can, or you can have fun and say you have a Freudian relationship going on ;) she won't pursue him then.

adkim78 17

my mom and my brother have the opposite problem. Asian moms never age, I guess..

I was just reading an article about Tiegan and Legend's new daughter and there was a photo of Tiegan's mom she looked about 30 XD

I have a secret feeling that might be the reason a lot of young guys started growing beards nowadays.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

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icekingz 7

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CrassKal 27

You know nothing about OP's situation. She may be older, or simply look older than she is, but it's quite a leap to assume that she is twice as old as her boyfriend. I also find it strange when vastly different aged people date (and that includes both situations, I hate the defense that it's "Okay when an older man has a young girlfriend"), but I recognize that their life decisions are their own, and assuming they are both adults whose actions are not harming others, well then more power to them.

I'm sorry did I miss where OP stated how old she was in comparison to her boyfriend? Or was that just you jumping to conclusions?

Love is love, so long as both parties are consenting adults.

CaptainHonor 15

Either you're a MILF or your boyfriend looks really young.