By itsnotyouitsme - 20/04/2016 18:54 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after breaking up with my boyfriend of 2 years, I was backing out of his driveway when he came running out yelling "STOP!" I thought he wanted to make up so I kept going, until I'd run over his dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 319
You deserved it 35 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seriously deserve this... F his life for being broken up with and having his dog run over in one day.

What if a kid was there?! Anytime someone waves their arms frantically and yells stop while you are driving, you should probably stop. And poor dog :(


You deserve everything that's coming for you

What's wrong with you all? You act as if she killed the dog on purpose. It was an accident - she was probably upset, she thought (errenously) she knew why he was yelling, dogs can be really hard to see in the mirror. It sucks, but doesn't make her a «terrible» person in any way. The simple fact that she posted this on here shows that she feels terrible about the whole thing. Give her a break.

d3vil666 6

Ya hope u get ran over bitch u deserve to be alone

And here I was thinking that hitler was the worst person

He's the one that should be submitting the FML... He got broken up with and then his dog got run over. I hope his dog is okay.

When someone yells stop, especially when you're reversing, you stop. Or use your mirrors. This is definitely a YDI.

diyos 15

You should never assume OP, your a dick

AHAHAHAHA GOOD ON YOU! this one made my day

You heartless b*tch totally deserve this, hope someday someone do the same to you

A breakup is no excuse for bad driving. ALWAYS look, and KEEP looking while you're backing out of a driveway or any place