By Anonymous - 06/02/2015 08:26 - Canada - Maple Ridge

Today, after a day, I finally noticed that the toilet paper I'd been using to wipe my butt is actually a roll of paper towel cut in half. My dad thinks that it's a waste of money to buy proper paper. Guess who had to unclog the toilet twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 104
You deserved it 3 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just buy your own toilet paper and keep it in your room

Buying toilet paper is just cheaper and easier than going through this hassle. Anyway, does it clean better? :D


incoherentrmblr 21

At least you didn't have to use wallpaper like the other person did on FML here...

Just buy your own toilet paper and keep it in your room

His dad will probably still make him unclog the toilet when the dad clogs it.

Cassmoneyyy 15

Been there, done that. Then my mother in law got mad at us for not sharing. She would use a roll a day. No wonder! So happy we got out of there as soon as we could.

I'm so with you here #6, *jumps out same window, smh*

JMichael 25

Why all the jumping out windows? Why not take the elevator?..... Oh it's broken. Well I'm not taking the stairs. *jumps out window*

and here we find the obligatory "shitty situation, etc." pun.

its not even a pun anymore, and I'd much rather throw someone else out the window personally.

Its always been on my bucket list! *gets thrown out a window*

Buying toilet paper is just cheaper and easier than going through this hassle. Anyway, does it clean better? :D

It is cheaper and I use toilet paper for many things, but my teacher was always upset when I wrote my essays on it.

How do you not notice the different texture?

SlipperyNipple 9

well the stuff they use at my school is worse than paper towels OP probably just didn't give it much thought while wiping

tehdarkness 21

If it was soft, then I'll bet t's more expensive than regular TP.

JMichael 25

Wouldn't you have noticed it wasn't toilet paper? Paper towels have got to be rough on the ass..

Back in my day, we used to wipe our asses with tree bark and sandpaper. Kids these days...taking their non-bleeding anuses for granted.

I'm a bit confused. Are paper towels different in the US? In England they're a bit thicker but not rough, they're more plush. They're also more expensive.

JMichael 25

Yes here in the US most paper towel brands are a bit rough in texture. So I would assume that'd be a bit uncomfortable to wipe your ass with it.

Depends on the paper towels. The ones we had at school were thick and blue, and just blowing your nose with them felt like sandpaper. The ones in my office are similar but white, and the ones on a roll are indented on one side. In my gym we have very thin paper towels. All of these can be quite rough though.

Ah okay, I think I've seen ones like that too actually. Thanks for the explanation.

ajs1987 15

No shitty puns its against FML Rules. Off to the torment room to be behaeaded for use of shitty puns

who know where you will be when diarrhea hits 0_o