By cat-astrophic - 25/02/2015 15:44 - United Kingdom

Today, after 3 years of studying to be a veterinarian, I found out I may not be able to continue. It's not because I'm failing my classes, but because my body has developed an allergy to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 093
You deserved it 2 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe change to being a large animal vet, then you can take care of horses and not worry about your allergies!! :)

You know you can get desensitised. It takes up to three years to finish the course and the first year has 21 weekly vaccine injections but it usually does the trick. Speak to your GP about referring you to an allergists. But in saying that depending on how bad your allergies are you may need to defer your studies for the first year so the allergen injections can start working their magic. Good luck. I hope everything works out for you.


kidtoy 18

Well a good paying job gone thanks to your body.

Ha! Good paying? You've obviously never looked up a mean yearly salary for vets. They make less than most PAs or pharmacists but have to go to a lot more schooling.

Actually, veterinarians get paid quite a lot actually. They're not far behind doctors. I know because I want to become a veterinarian and start my own business and eventually turn it into a company. My plan B if that doesn't work out is to become a neurosurgeon or cardiothoriac surgeon. All 3 jobs pay A LOT of money. @BlackPhoenixNite They make WAY more than pharmacists.

#63, I wish you the best, but those 3 jobs are in almost completely different fields of study. I've never heard of anyone having neurosurgery as a Plan B to being a vet, since it takes so long to become a neurosurgeon that people commit to that track from the get-go. But good luck!

It depends opening your own practice would pay but for those vets working in free clinics like the PDSA wont get paid as much

Not in some countries... I'm a vet and earn less than I would if I worked full time in retail.

Maybe change to being a large animal vet, then you can take care of horses and not worry about your allergies!! :)

lilybadilly25 15

Yes… but as a licensed DVM you don't get to pick and choose if you want to see dogs or cats. You see whoever gets put in your time slots. Plus, there is always cat dander in the building, no matter how clean it is.. It's definitely an issue.

@34 vets can pick what kind of animals they treat. We have multiple dog only and cat only vets near me, plus a few bird only and one reptile only one. That's not even considering the exotic only one.

Pancakes017 19

A vet that specializes in reptiles. The first of your kind.

juststephhere 23

I thought that was a thing... Like people actually do that, do they not?

SilvShadowSpark 7

I'm studying to be a herpetologist. I want to specialize in snakes.

You know you can get desensitised. It takes up to three years to finish the course and the first year has 21 weekly vaccine injections but it usually does the trick. Speak to your GP about referring you to an allergists. But in saying that depending on how bad your allergies are you may need to defer your studies for the first year so the allergen injections can start working their magic. Good luck. I hope everything works out for you.

Wow I could not imagine getting that many shots

Ashd09 30

#23. I take 4 a day..... I think one a week to help with your allergies so that you can pursue your dreams would be worth it

That sounds like a "kitty immunization."

Razi_tail 25

A coworker of mine is on the highest level of being allergic to cats and yet she still works at the humane society. It takes medication and time to adjust but you can do it! I know multiple people who own several cats and are highly allergic to them. Like 5 said, you can become desensitized. Talk to your doctor and find out what will work best for you!

Wait four shots, what kinda medical condition d'you have

@#47 I was wondering get the same thing

Ah not for everyone no. And i wouldnt want to be one it didnt work on and waste all that money. I cant imagine insurance would pay for it.

I agree. Taking 3 allergy vaccines a day for just the first year just so you can force body into a situation your body is telling you is HARMING you? Yeah, no. Save yourself the money.

ChristianH39 30

67 you have no idea what you're talking about. For one, it's not a vaccine. Vaccines seek to create an immune response against a pathogen where there previously wasn't one, allergy shots are for reducing the bodies immune response to an allergen. Its not forcing the body into a situation that's harming it, its the overreaction of the immune system that causes the harm.

**** that. I'd rather change course or shoot myself than have that many shots. I'm petrified of needles though, and OP probably isn't if they're going to be a vet.

It doesnt mean you cant do it! Get a prescription for allergy meds! If you love it dont let a little thing like allergies ruin your dream

My mom gets a closed throat around cats and currently takes four different allergy medicines. She still has a reaction. So does my husband.. To whatever he is allergic to lol.

I think people were originally down voting your comment because you said that the allergies are a "little thing." When in reality, allergies can be pretty huge and affect your life greatly. Some can go into anaphylactic shock, but even if it's not that bad it would be like living with a horrible cold every day where you are so stuffed it's hard too breathe, lots of sneezing, plus the severe itchiness of the eyes, throat, nose and skin, not too mention some people get bad hives and rashes over their whole body. So although it's mild and a little thing for some people, for other people it can be pretty horrible and make you miserable. Plus, op would be dealing with all of that 5 out of 7 days. :(

I'm sorry OP, that has got to suck! Maybe if you're interested in specializing in other animals? Like horses and whatnot.

Try allergy shots Op. It takes a big commitment because you have to go a lot for a few years, but the visits lessen as time goes on. Plus, it may save you from feeling awful and having to quit your dream career! Allergy shots have done wonders for the people I know! I've also heard they do it in dissolvable tablets now instead of shots. Good luck, & find an allergist!

AnyaS 19

They don't always work. I have been getting allergy shots for just over three years and had to quit two months ago. They did absolutely nothing for my allergies. It was all such a waste of time and money that I can't get back.

They may not always work 40, but they do for a lot of people. And for op it could literally be life changing, op could actually continue to work in the field of their dreams. Personally, i think op should go to the allergist and see his/her options and possibly give them a try to see if there's any improvement. Maybe op can ask the allergist what the chances are of it working and find out what the success rate is. I'm pretty sure it works for the majority of people that do them. It really sucks that they didn't work for you though. Allergies can be really horrible.

There are other animals you can take care of. Don't give up

You could work your way around that. How about being an exotic pet vet?

No that's a good idea !! They don't have that many exotic pet vets here in nyc. I had to take my rabbit pretty far to be seen by a good vet.

But the people who DO need exotic pet care obviously will go at great costs to get it.