By cat-astrophic - 25/02/2015 15:44 - United Kingdom

Today, after 3 years of studying to be a veterinarian, I found out I may not be able to continue. It's not because I'm failing my classes, but because my body has developed an allergy to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 090
You deserved it 2 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe change to being a large animal vet, then you can take care of horses and not worry about your allergies!! :)

You know you can get desensitised. It takes up to three years to finish the course and the first year has 21 weekly vaccine injections but it usually does the trick. Speak to your GP about referring you to an allergists. But in saying that depending on how bad your allergies are you may need to defer your studies for the first year so the allergen injections can start working their magic. Good luck. I hope everything works out for you.


Don't give up! I'm sure there is a way to still follow your dream. (:

JUST cats? How do you know the reaction op gets from cats? All allergies are from a scale of 0-6. A former teacher of mine is a 5.6 for fire ants. Basically a die instantly. Oh but its JUST fire ants right?

... cats are a lot more common than fire ants...

ndnpride88 25

Doesn't necessarily mean you can't be a vet. There's ways around that.

You can still be a vet. Just stock up on benadryl and suck it up until you're out of school, then go into avian and exotic pet medicine. Exclude dogs and cats from your general practice. There are plenty of your average canine/feline veterinary clinics out there. Problem solved.