By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:42 - United States

Today, after being told by her therapist to try to make her kids a bigger part of her life because we're so distant from her, my mom's new favorite thing to do is to constantly use the words "YOLO" and "swag" around us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 786
You deserved it 5 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

May God have mercy on this generation, that's all I ever hear nowadays. Even on Xbox Live.

you only live once sounds fine but saying yolo makes you sound like an uneducated idiot


May God have mercy on this generation, that's all I ever hear nowadays. Even on Xbox Live.

1 - Especially on Xbox Live! Playstation Network also. They're all 12 year old swaggots!

euphoricness 28

YOLO and swag are lightweight, it's the people that have to use "like" 50 times in every sentence. Oh, don't let me get started on "iconic"

Wait, I'm confused. Who is "her". Sorry I'm just being stupid. :)

boojie97 12

you only live once sounds fine but saying yolo makes you sound like an uneducated idiot

SalviBarbie 15

If you just say 'YOLO' out loud, it kinda seems like you have a pronunciation problem of saying 'yellow' .. Then again, its overused so who doesn't know what it means.

talk about overused they have songs about it now :/ i prefer carpe diem sounds so much better

OhDearBetrayal 25

Unless of course you use it sarcastically.

It's also so silly to say.. You live every day, you only die once.

SystemofaBlink41 27

I hate that phrase, but I love saying it in moments that don't fit at all.

imagineapc 11

You English bad. Yes I did that intentionally.

3rdbass 9
perdix 29

Maybe the therapist could prescribe that you use antecedents with your possessive pronouns, so we don't need to guess that "her" is your mother.

perdix 29

After I wrote this, "they" edited the story and "they" put in "my mom" just to make me look crazy.

zed34 18

I think it's funny that people use the phrase "swag" do they know that back in the 80's "swag" meant secretly we are gay?? Lord help the stupid kids of today!

wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. "swag" is derived from the word "swagger" which has been around since the 1300s. in the late 1700s, pirates used "swag" as another word for "booty" or "plunder". it has absolutely 0% to do with homosexuality. time to stop believing everything you see on Facebook.

I've also heard swag quite commonly referred to marijuana of severely below average potency.

Steve95401 49

Swag has also been used for many years to describe items that are a given out as gifts or promotion samples.

Jelbeztok 17

@17 the legend is the 60s, but even though its not true it stopped most of the people at my school from saying it.

At first I was confused because this FML didn't clearly state who it was referring to, but know I get it and oh those parents that try to have more in common with their kids but end up looking goofy... Gotta love them!