By cat-astrophic - 25/02/2015 15:44 - United Kingdom

Today, after 3 years of studying to be a veterinarian, I found out I may not be able to continue. It's not because I'm failing my classes, but because my body has developed an allergy to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 090
You deserved it 2 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe change to being a large animal vet, then you can take care of horses and not worry about your allergies!! :)

You know you can get desensitised. It takes up to three years to finish the course and the first year has 21 weekly vaccine injections but it usually does the trick. Speak to your GP about referring you to an allergists. But in saying that depending on how bad your allergies are you may need to defer your studies for the first year so the allergen injections can start working their magic. Good luck. I hope everything works out for you.


granem 5

You could be a reptilian and amphibian vet. Plus, you could tell people you're a dragon vet!

sarah_beth2008 7

That sucks. don't get discouraged though, I worked for a vet's office for 4 years. one of the doctors had horrible allergies to pretty much everything with fur. she took allergy shots a few times a week and was fine. as long as she didn't skip any shots she didn't have a problem.

I was doing an animal based degree with someone who was allergic to all animals, even before she started! She was just plain crazy...

Invest in some antihistamines like Zyrtec Claritin or Allegra. I lived with my roommates cat for two years despite being allergic.

luckyshot317 0

The University of Florida has an amazing marine and aquatic vet program. You can either do fish or marine mammals.

Pandakay3 10

my best friend is allergic to all animals. still a vet,she just has to be super careful and take extra precautions.

same thing happened to me. but now I'm allergic to all animals. I love animals and I was going to school to be a vet and it ruined my life. I'm so sorry you are going through this too. I haven't ever heard of anyone else that this has happened to. if you need to talk I'm here. I would also appreciate talking to someone who understands how shitty this is.