By Cat lover - 23/12/2017 01:30

Today, after 25 years living with my dad, who is highly allergic to cats, I was finally able to adopt two kittens to live in my new place, just like I have always wanted. Guess who else is highly allergic to cats? Me, it seems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 499
You deserved it 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boopingsnoot 24

There are medications you can take. And your body can get used to specific cats! My sister's boyfriend is allergic too, but he's fine with their cat sleeping on their bed. He can't set foot in my house, though.

manb91uk 22

I had a 10 year gap where I didn’t have ANY pets at all after having loads of them. After I first adopted my old cat I used to have a bit of a reaction to him but it eventually went away. Maybe the same thing will happen. If not, there are plenty of medical interventions that can be done. Good luck, OP


boopingsnoot 24

There are medications you can take. And your body can get used to specific cats! My sister's boyfriend is allergic too, but he's fine with their cat sleeping on their bed. He can't set foot in my house, though.

How did you not know you were allergic to cats?

manb91uk 22

I had a 10 year gap where I didn’t have ANY pets at all after having loads of them. After I first adopted my old cat I used to have a bit of a reaction to him but it eventually went away. Maybe the same thing will happen. If not, there are plenty of medical interventions that can be done. Good luck, OP

My best guess would be a rock was kicked up by another vehicle, and that it smashed your sunroof on landing. (Happened to my dad once!)

manb91uk 22

Maybe the comment was so ultra-meta that the rest of us blockheads don’t get it?

They're pricey, but you may want to look into purebred Siberians. They are hypoallergenic in that they don't produce dander, and they're not hairless. Quite fluffy actually! My brother is allergic and he does fine with our Siberian.

boopingsnoot 24

Cat allergies tend to involve cat saliva as well, though. Cats can't be hypoallergenic in the way some dog breeds can.

Did you have no contact at all with cats before hand? How didn't you know? Most people with cat allergies know the second they step into a room that's had a cat in it. Weren't you affected when you went to pick up the kittens?

TeachAllTheMath 19

Go see an allergist, allergy shots are a great long term solution.

Should have gotten one of those hairless cats

chubbear 14

Yeah because she totally knew she was allergic to cats.

so in your whole life you've never been around cats?