By Anonymous - 03/12/2010 16:29 - Canada

Today, a woman slipped on the ice in front of me. Instinctively, I caught her before she fell. Instead of thanking me, she whirled around and asked me if my *expletive* mother had taught me to grope women inappropriately. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 494
You deserved it 2 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments


theonlysweetpea 10

You should have said, "No. My *swear* mother taught me how to respect and care for women. My *swear* father taught me how to push rude bitches on their knees to have them suck my dick!" Yeah, I have a dirty mouth for a girl.

theonlysweetpea 10

I hope you drop kicked that bitch!

deidre823 7

I would have been like "No. My '*******' mother taught me to help others when they needed it. Your mother obviously taught you to be an ungrateful bitch. You're welcome for helping you not bust your ass on the street."

This seems to happen so damn often, it's either a big problem with people, or it's just submitters wanting an easy route to the front page.

Haleyz_a_BOSS 0

No good deed goes unpunished! Some people have no respect. She could've gotten seriously hurt, or worse, fell on you and gotten you seriously hurt!

horny...thats it, im so good at this!!

Insolent woman! Vaporize her with your eye lasers for that comment!

blaze_1492 0

Next time let that mufucka fall