The heat is on

By Emma - 17/03/2021 22:59

Today, I met my boyfriend’s 6 year-old son. The first thing he said to me was, "You’re not going to leave us for another man like mommy did, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 188
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yummi_913 18

Did the mom abandon her kid, or just break up/divorce the dad? That makes a major difference. I wouldn't wanna date a guy who shit talks his kids mother TO HIS 6YO KID - if she simply dumped his ass but continued to be a mom. Now if she ran off and left them both I suppose there's no point in sugar coating it.


Are you sure your boyfriend didn't tell him to say that? Sounds staged as hell.

famlife 6

It wasn't the 6 yr old idea, if that's what you mean.

and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I couldn't date a dad if I was single

Yummi_913 18

Did the mom abandon her kid, or just break up/divorce the dad? That makes a major difference. I wouldn't wanna date a guy who shit talks his kids mother TO HIS 6YO KID - if she simply dumped his ass but continued to be a mom. Now if she ran off and left them both I suppose there's no point in sugar coating it.

Cue up Queen/David Bowie: "Pressure! Pushing down on you Pressing down on me No man has more. Under pressure!"

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

Sounds like some therapy for the kid, the boyfriend, and you under the assumption that the relationship continues. Not an attack or insult, just seems like the separation is taking a hard toll on the kid