By Ren - 28/12/2012 07:49 - United States - Medina

Today, I went shopping. At the counter, the cashier started flirting with me and asked me for my number. He was cute, so I gave it to him. After walking out of the store, I got a text that said, "I didn't want to say it out loud, but your pants are unzipped." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 248
You deserved it 5 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iarefatal 9
challan 19

I think that was incredibly nice. Seems like a sweet guy. Don't be embarrassed, roll with it. Make fun of yourself, Op, nobody likes insecurities.


That makes no sense. He really couldn't say that to you? Not that big a deal.

iiAntheA17 7

Maybe he didn't want to embarrass her more than she already was. Even if she didn't know.

Turn it around OP. that was a slick and chivalrous move. I doubt the flirting part was just ploy to tell you your pant were unzipped.

Why not thank him, laugh it off and keep talking? I hope you did that! He didn't have to flirt, he chose to!

free2speak 14

I thought it was sweet of him. I'd be beyond embarrassed if someone pointed something like this out loudly. I'd rather them whisper it to me if that's possible and in this case, I'm assuming it wasn't. And a cute guy that's chivalrous, that's rare. And like others have mentioned, you never know... Maybe he really was into you!

iarefatal 9

That seems extremely immature. It's not that big of a deal and it's an asshole move if that's all he ever texted you about.

6, I agree! He probably just didn't want to ruin the mood but also couldn't let her walk around with unzipped pants.

The OP said he was flirting with her, though. If he was, then just texting her that would be disappointing. It's not fun to think someone is into you when they're just going to text you something like that once and then stop.

I think that was a really nice way to do it, actually. Would've preferred that over him leaning in, telling me and then watching my whole head go red in front of everyone. And I definitely didn't want to run around like that all day >.> most people are too afraid to say anything at all

It doesn't say anywhere that that's all he ever texted her after that. He was working after all, so he just texted her that one thing so she wouldn't walk around like that.

nycwrestler 17

51- it's the first thing he texted her. I wouldn't imagine the conversation went very flirty after that...

Well it's not like its the most humiliating thing to happen, right? Maybe after OP's embarrassment died down, they could've picked up where they left off

xXxIracebethxXx 14

#63 - Have you not been here long? You should read older FML's with a lot more down voted comments... Welcome to FML.

challan 19

I think that was incredibly nice. Seems like a sweet guy. Don't be embarrassed, roll with it. Make fun of yourself, Op, nobody likes insecurities.

Jeterforever 3

Yeah at least he was polite about it. I would be so embarrassed if someone said that to me out loud.

Leaving your pants unzipped is really that big of a deal nowadays? I mean, seriously, there's some people (who shall not be named... *cough cough* gangsters *cough cough*) who hardly even wear pants anymore.

#8 Really? People who wear pants very low are automatically gangsters.... Bad fashion choice yes.. But 80% of those guy's are just wannabe's... Thinking its cool... Not because they are criminals... And on topic.. I think its nice that this guy told you private.... Its also a nice conversation starter..

Wishez 12

17- that was not the point at all.

CharresBarkrey 15

17 - They clearly said gangsters hardly wear pants, not that everyone who wears low pants is a gangster. Kinda like the "all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares," thing.

irishpassion16 6

Yeah, what's a better conversation starter than "your pants are unzipped?"

lisakin 13

I think that's cute. If he said it out loud other people would eat him. This way only you and him know. Plus this doesn't mean he's not interested in you.

Isn't eating someone for saying your pants are unzipped, kind of harsh punishment? Why not just stone him or something?

"Yea they were. For you." You sly dog, you.

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iiAntheA17 7

11) I've been reading your comments, and posts. Just stop now. They've all been thumbed down. And this is the second time you've referred to it as "slutty"...

There's only one nun here and #11 will never measure up to her.

She's not a nun. She's married to ezio. Duh!

Well maybe it was his way of making a start to the conversation? He had a pretty good excuse as embarrassing as it may have been for you.

biglittlehead 12

Hey, he tried to help you, without embarrassing you. I don't see the problem.