By itsnotyouitsme - 20/04/2016 18:54 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after breaking up with my boyfriend of 2 years, I was backing out of his driveway when he came running out yelling "STOP!" I thought he wanted to make up so I kept going, until I'd run over his dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 323
You deserved it 35 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seriously deserve this... F his life for being broken up with and having his dog run over in one day.

What if a kid was there?! Anytime someone waves their arms frantically and yells stop while you are driving, you should probably stop. And poor dog :(


You seriously deserve this... F his life for being broken up with and having his dog run over in one day.

We haven't heard OP's full side of the story. You can't just assume they're the bad guy because she wanted to break up with him. Running over the dog was an accident.

If you drive in a car and someone yells stop you should do so even if you don't know why.

She could've just locked her doors if she was worried about him talking to her or worse. I don't blame her since it was an accident but definitely take this as a lesson to stop regardless.

andrmac 25

How can you not blame her? She is a dangerous irrational driver driving on feelings not paying attention and run a dog over.

She broke up with him, then ran over his dog because she made an assumption that he wanted to patch up. I live across the world and have no idea who either of them are, but I'm already feeling sad for her ex.


T_Seg_101 18

You should stop thinking about yourself... The poor dog! I hope he is okay...

I agree, I really want a follow up on if the dog is okay..

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I agree, OP is being selfish and feeling sorry for herself when it's 100% her fault. The only follow up I need is if the dog is ok, I don't give a damn about OP's feelings about the situation or anything of that sort.

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udaykataria 18

I think she broke up with him. That's why she wanted to leave as soon as possible and didn't notice the dog.

nicole1765 14

And even if he did break up with her, how does that make it ok to hit his dog?!? You dont know what happened between them. she could have been in the wrong.

I think you took your vengeance too far away

What if a kid was there?! Anytime someone waves their arms frantically and yells stop while you are driving, you should probably stop. And poor dog :(

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Their point was to stop when someone yells stop. No matter if kid or dog.

To be honest I think running over a kid is far worse than running over a dog. Say what you will but I think that to humans human lives especially a childs life should be more valuable than another animals. Also, if you are that kids parent you probably would've preferred to lose your dog than your child.

10, so I guess the next time you step on an ant I should call you a murderer? Since "lives are lives" Plus, that wasn't even the point of the comment. The point is that it could have been worse. So no matter what, if someone is yelling at you to stop, you should stop.

rag97 6

8 was making a point, idiot. Stop trying to get thumbs ups by exaggerating and dwelling on every word someone says.

I have to agree with #10. Life is life, humans aren't more important just because we ourselves are humans. And just FYI, I never step on ants because I always do my best to make sure that I don't harm them.

Also, #10 and 52, you're forgetting an incredibly important point: social ties. If a dog dies, maybe it will be really terrible for the owner, but usually they can move on eventually. It's not like a pack of dogs is going to miss their dead "friend" forever. If a kid dies, on the other hand! I mean, entire extended families and friends can be traumatized by that, and sometimes people never get over it and it tears their souls or families apart. I'm just saying, regardless of individual animal VS human life's "worth", I think it's important to realize that grief over losing a child takes a whole other dimension.

I won't say that humans aren't necessarily more important than animals but my pets are more important to me than some random kid yeah I'll try to save him but I won't care nearly as much.

Nothing that you people are saying is even topical, congrats.

You care about a ******* dog that lives 15 years more then a child who may actually amount to something in life, I like my pets and it is true I would grief over a pet more then a random kid but I would care more that a child died then my pet

That's horrible, and you are too. If a person says stop, don't instantly assume stuff and ignore them. I hope his dog is alive and that you'll pay for its recovery bills if so.

Mathalamus 24

whoops. maybe next time when someone tells you to stop, you stop. it could be a human next time.