By Anonymous - 05/03/2012 16:36 - United Kingdom

Today, a stuffed ferret was the latest addition to the list of weird items my colleagues have found in our rubbish tip, and that they put in my office. The list also includes explicit fetish porn playing cards, live ammo and dead pheasants, to name a few. I need a new job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 140
You deserved it 2 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you don't want those cards... I umm have a friend who would love them...


niswisk 3

Don't forget a good scratch behind the ears. :)

Please tell me they are the insane-looking type of taxidermied animales. Those things are the greatest. I am also willing to take the playing cards (I like weird playing cards, the fetish stuff is just a bonus) and live ammunition (no comment) off your hands.

You'll get arrested for being in possession of live ammo in the UK dude! Fire that shit before the police show up, I think discharged rounds are ok.. Haha, discharged.

Nobody ever leaves porno playing cards on my desk! They just leave work. Want to trade jobs?

AkshaySauce 5

We just got an industrial size bucket of lube. Would you like that too?

One mans trash is another mans treasure dude, find your gold in there.

Fishfanatic 7

If you would be so kind as to bury all dead things and when decomposed, post their bones to me I would be most grateful ( not kidding btw, I make jewellery out of that sort of thing ) any taxidermies would also be extremely welcome as I collect those also. You can keep the **** cards though I don't want those >.<

cindywashere 5

hey they're trying to make your job fun (somewhat) play along and do the same to them! start an epic prank battle, that sounds like something to look forward to ?

At least it wasn't a live ferret! Still FYL, OP. Have you talked to tue superiors about this? What your coworkers are doing to you is harassment and you shouldn't have to endure it.

I'm pretty sure it's just a joke, and his/her friends mean no harm

Sorry, but when rotting carcasses are involved, it's no longer a harmless joke. It's extremely unsanitary. Who knows what diseases that dead pheasant could have gestating inside it. I doubt you'd think it was funny if it was left among YOUR belongings.