By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 08:34 - United States
Top comments
ewww wtf
I agree That is just really wrong and nasty.,.... some people are just weird, but u get used to it FYL
i gagged as i read that FML. wtf ?! >.
wow you should have ran like crazy she totaly had it out for you
so that's where my grandma went!!
ewwwwwwww tmi
mweh ive heard sicker its kinda weird though
I almost threw up when i read this! FYL OP. That woman is sick!
I just threw up a little in my mouth.
agree with 1 & 234
that's creepy, and not to mention extremely nasty.
Too hard, 263. Too hard.
That's phuckin gross
Did you do that to piss Grammar Nazis off? XD
That is really disgusting. I'll bet she'll have skin cancer in a year if she feeds her birds by getting a sunburn so they eat her skin off.
Holy Shit.
lmao...i'd love to see how you write FMLs.
and i meant that for 161.
#183 What the ****? YOU were number 161. Talking to yourself in real life is one thing, but typing messages to yourself over the internet is just weird.
What the helllllllllllllllllllllll. alien invasion!!! xD
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Same. Thats the ******* nastiest thing ever. Even nastier then the FML where the guy threw up in his mouth then had to swallow it back.
Gross doesn't even cut it in this case.. o.O

ewww wtf
that's creepy, and not to mention extremely nasty.