By Anonymous - 26/12/2011 04:52 - United States

Today, a guy rang my doorbell, yelled "Happy Halloween" and then threw a bunch of leaves that he'd lit on fire at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 984
You deserved it 2 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how unfortunate.. at least it wasn't shit..


Throw some flaming candy at him. Apparently its halloween.


Awe sorry op :( hope u still had a merry Christmas

That's called "attempted murder" in most civilized societies..

anzie_fml 9

23 look at my profile pic. That is my reaction to your comment.

I knew this sucks op, **** your life but I can't resist the imagination if I was there to witness this event that so classic, Great story to tell my grandchildrens :)

skeezle 0

Did you light your foot up his a$$? I would've

How the hell do you throw burning leaves without getting burned yourself??

nomnomnom97 0

What is this black magic i dont understand?

I can set fire to bread and food.. But leaves?