By trickortreat - 01/11/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, while up in my room getting ready to go out, I thought I heard some trick or treaters knocking on the door. I ignored them because I didn't have any candy. The knocking got louder and longer. I walked downstairs, and noticed that the living room ceiling was falling down onto the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 581
You deserved it 5 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

To the rational mind, this would just be a coincidence. Others would have you believe that since she cheaped out and didn't supply "treats" to the trick-or-treaters, her ceiling collapse is her "trick." The Great Pumpkin can be a real bitch!


kitten1323 19

you know you wouldnt have to ignor trick or treaters, just put a sign on the front door that says "Sorry no candy" Sorry about the ceiling though

Sun_Kissed18 25

Or turn off all of the lights

kitten1323 19

yeah that too turning off the lights, I went trick or treating last night, people usualy follow the no lights no candy rule still the celing thing sucks

WTF?? what happened?? more detail please. did the kids do it? I don't know how they should do something like that, but otherwise it doesn't make much sense. it just happened by itself?

I think op is trying to say, that she was in another room when she heard what she thought was a bunch of trick or treaters knocking in the door, but when she came into the living room, she found out that the knocking sound was the ceiling, falling onto the floor.... hopefully that helps!!!!

I don't think it was someone knocking on the door, I think it was the noises of the ceiling falling..

perdix 29

To the rational mind, this would just be a coincidence. Others would have you believe that since she cheaped out and didn't supply "treats" to the trick-or-treaters, her ceiling collapse is her "trick." The Great Pumpkin can be a real bitch!

It was likely the plaster falling from the ceiling - nothing load-bearing involved. I have seen this in a house in the UK once. Something like that can happen when very poor workmanship is involved.

So what? Who cares? The two events are not even marginally connected, why nother mentioning them both? 'Today, my living room ceiling caved in. FML' Sorted.

I hope the ceiling didn't have asbestos in it, that would be really bad....

the only thing I think when I read this is so ******* what. They need a button to click that says "I don't give a toss either way"

lmaoatyourlife 0

Well if you don't think a ceiling caving in is an FML what do you think is an FML? If you don't give a toss don't bother commenting.

freakalicious105 0

uhhhh ... give a tosss??? wtf?

I like that idea. #15- the ceiling didn't cave in, some pieces fell. chill out. #40- you can't figure it out? context clues, hun.