By Anonymous - 18/12/2015 19:58 - Australia - Bentleigh East

Today, I was giving my friend a crash course in Star Wars over coffee. As I was telling him about the primitive and savage Sand People, some attention-seeking tit came out of nowhere and called me racist. Apparently she thought I was talking about people from the Middle East. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 626
You deserved it 2 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments


The haters will be back, and in greater numbers.

friedpwnadge 25

This is when you play along with it until she gets even more infuriated and explodes in self-righteous rage.

Don't say explode. That could come across as racist...

But they will walk in single file to get there

Did you tell her you were talking about people in a galaxy far, far away?

These knee-jerk sensationalists actively looking for things that could in some way maybe in some angle be considered racist or otherwise offensive, are very much far away and in a galaxy of their own. She might find that offensive to her people.

Radical social justice warriors in a nutshell, well put draugen

People need to mind their own business and not give their 2 cents until they hear the full story.

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I don't know why 15 was down voted, I thought they raised a good point.

Some people shouldn't give their 2 cents at all

Orian2413 1

I see these comments are full of the liberal Heroes who don't understand that people have every right to have an opinion different from theirs

Forget the full story, people just need to mind their own business and not butt into other peoples' conversation.

I'm pretty sure it would have been easy to explain as long as you didn't call her an "attention-seeking tit" to her face. If you did, she probably thought you were a lying racist who was also a lukewarm misogynist.

Not fair at all, as a woman I use tit as a completely gender neutral insult.

The problem isn't WHO you insult, it's using 'tit' as an insult full stop. It could be seen as misogynistic/sexist/whatever because it's referring to a female body part as a negative thing. Just fyi.

tarlax 11

Anything can be seen as any kind of insult if you're sufficiently mentally unbalanced. Oh no, is that offensive to mentally unbalanced people? D,:

She may feel you liken her people to birds, this increasing how racist she calls you.

@21 Maybe this is a cultural difference. In the US (at least the part I'm from), 'tit' isn't generally used as an insult, but when it is, it's relatively gendered. Not nearly as much as '****' or even 'bitch,' though. Hence my classifying it as lukewarm misogyny. :)

@32 but there is nothing wrong with calling someone a dick, prick, ******** or any of the other penis related names, right?

At least OP didn't call her a ****. Pick your battles, I say.

That's when you introduce her to the sarlacc pit.

Although they've technically called Tuskan Raiders

Not technically true. They initially were only known as Sand People; they earned the name Tusken Raider by attacking the civil settlement of Fort Tusken as it was growing and destroying the fort's farm equipment, and people started calling them that as a more formal name

KhaleesiDannie 26
rpaul365 14

that is actually really funny though. I understand both sides considering all the bigotry that really happens every day. misunderstandings happen.

The problem is that people like her are in such a big hurry to label people as racist that it's almost like the boy crying wolf. People quit listening.

You Sir, stumbled upon a very rare sight indeed - a Tumblr user outside.

Sounds more like you're the one who doesn't go outside...

KhaleesiDannie 26