By Anonymous - 26/03/2015 10:16

Today, after days of looking for it, I finally found the ring my boyfriend gave to me. It was on my roommate's finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 667
You deserved it 2 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uglyheadedbitch 20

If they're stealing your stuff, either kick them out or move out, simple as that. FYL

Careful, first it's the ring she steals. Next, it'll be your boyfriend. Presuming, of course, she hasn't already done that and you just don't know it yet.


uglyheadedbitch 20

If they're stealing your stuff, either kick them out or move out, simple as that. FYL

Have them arrested. Anybody that takes my stuff is getting everything I can legally throw at them.

The roommate has the same size finger as OP?

No, it means time for someone to get jumped!

buttcramp 21

It's time to go Gollum on her! He knows how to get back his ring!

Careful, first it's the ring she steals. Next, it'll be your boyfriend. Presuming, of course, she hasn't already done that and you just don't know it yet.

There's always that one super negative thinker

Could explain why she has the ring in the first place

doesn't mean she stole it... maybe they have relationship in which they borrow things from one another, and the roomate just didn't know the sentimental value of the ring. stay positive! :D

uglyheadedbitch 20

99.9% sure this is about the roommate stealing it, not the boyfriend stealing it and giving it to the roommate

It's always the ring that turns out to be trouble. Especially those precious ones.

Haha. That reference! OP, dont bite anyone's fingers off!!

Dodge4x4Ram 46

hide & seek was the name of the game

Maybe she saw it and didn't know you just got it and thought it was collecting dust so she took it, just ask first

OP shouldn't have to ask for something back that already belongs to her. The roommate shouldn't be picking things up that don't belong to her in the first place.

uglyheadedbitch 20

Who takes jewelry laying around without asking? That's like robbing a store that's closed for the night and stealing everything because it was all just laying around collecting dust

The fact that she just got it is irrelevant. In fact an awful lot of particularly valuable jewelry is valuable because it's old. Whether or not it was "collecting dust" is also irrelevant. It's never okay to take something from a roommate without asking, even if it's not being used. Again, with jewelry, the most valuable pieces are probably worn the least frequently for a lot of people. (I know I'm so afraid of losing the nice things my mother passed on to me that I almost never wear them.)

You don't pick your room mates stuff up and wear it as your own just because your room mate doesn't wear it often. I have a very expensive ring that was passed down by my great-grand mother, I would lose my shit if my house mate wore that without asking. If it's not yours, don't take it.... How hard is that to comprehend?

gobiteme2 34

I agree with #47. Personally it doesn’t matter if the ring is old or new. If I had to ask my roommate for the ring back I would have used a pruning shear on her finger so I wouldn’t damage the ring.

OP, this may either be a case of stealing or a case of your roommate innocently thinking it was hers. Unless you told her you were looking for it, she may have thought the ring was hers and worn it by accident

How do you accidently wear someone else's jewelry? I'm sure the room mate isn't so retarded that she doesn't know what her own pieces look like. She's a thief and a bad one at that.

Sometimes they look similar and you aren't sure if you bought it or its theirs. Just a thought, mate.