By FML - 19/01/2016 06:41 - United States

Today, I found out my fiancée has been sleeping with the salesman I bought her engagement ring from. He knew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 986
You deserved it 1 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's the deal with the cheaters around here?

I'm so sorry OP. It's horrible enough for her to be cheating at all, but it must have made it so much worse to find out it was with someone who was involved with y'all getting engaged :-/


Oh wow, sorry to hear that OP. I hope karma gets her bad.

Steve97 32

OP can always get a refund on his ring and tell the boss of that cheating bastard that's the reason they lost the sale of the ring to get him in trouble ;p

What's the deal with the cheaters around here?

I mean, this is FML..slightly skewed toward people doing messed up stuff..

I don't get it either. I have two coworkers starting to cheat on their significant others with each other. It's really uncomfortable to see.

Not around here but in general; people have forgotten what it means to be in a relationship. They do know how to be in relationshits, though.

Now that you mention it whenever its something like this its always the SO cheating and not doing some other bad thing... I guess people have lost what an actual relationship is meant to be?

I really don't see it as a recent things, cheating has been around since the beginning of relationships. It's just now that we can easily break off a relationship as well as tell people on the Internet.

somochi 9

Yikes, sorry OP. Hope you find someone better.

I hope he'll offer a good returns policy...

gobiteme2 34

Well it does sound likes he returned to many times. Keep your head up OP it's on her.

Wow what a prick. They deserve each other. You're better off OP just thank God you didnt find out after marriage

Ahhh... there it is. The mandatory comment.

PePziNL 20

I read the "There it is" part in Jeff Goldblums voice.

I'm so sorry OP. It's horrible enough for her to be cheating at all, but it must have made it so much worse to find out it was with someone who was involved with y'all getting engaged :-/

dantee2005 33

I hope he had at least given you super killer discount.

He was just making sure she was a decent enough girl for you to marry her. She wasn't.

As long as she doesnt know you bought it he definatly owes you a refund! I feel Sorry for you.. Lifes a **** sometimes

any woman who says **** is a winner in my book