By BobE - 31/07/2019 06:00 - United States - Miami

Today, I went to a mall and got some really awesome shoes. I went home to find out that they are actually women's shoes. I'm a dude. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 122
You deserved it 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mccuish 25

There is nothing wrong with a dude wearing women’s shoes. I’m 28 and I have to shop in the kids section for my shoes. My brother who is 26 has to shop in the women’s section for shoes since his feet are too big for kids, but too small for men’s.

Nhayaa 21

That's funny how women don't care having "men" stuff but men don't stand it the other way. Get over your manhood, nobody gives a sh*t if it's for men or women as long as you like it. The only thing is you propably paid more for it since brands sell women stuff at a higher price... (you know, like rasorblades, they do the same job but it's pink! so it's more expensive.)


Alup132 22

It’s okay OP, I did that with both shoe and a jacket. Granted I was like 14

mccuish 25

There is nothing wrong with a dude wearing women’s shoes. I’m 28 and I have to shop in the kids section for my shoes. My brother who is 26 has to shop in the women’s section for shoes since his feet are too big for kids, but too small for men’s.

Nhayaa 21

That's funny how women don't care having "men" stuff but men don't stand it the other way. Get over your manhood, nobody gives a sh*t if it's for men or women as long as you like it. The only thing is you propably paid more for it since brands sell women stuff at a higher price... (you know, like rasorblades, they do the same job but it's pink! so it's more expensive.)

cenzo è_é 8

this is the problem clothes that were for men are now for both but clothes that were for womans are still for woman so people judge and modt of others people can't stand being judged

not true. make up and nail polish are a lot not common for men, jewelery, one the shoulder bags, tight clothing etc.

So? My feet are too wide for women's shoes. I have to wear men's all the time. I'm not bitching about it. If you're that insecure then return them

darkenedone 27

If you didn't notice, will anyone else? Even if they do, fuckem.

bobsanction 18

Shoes do not go on your genitals, they can be worn by men or women.

That's not what those shoes say, honey! Seriously, though, if your shoes aren't obviously women's shoes, like six inch high heels (which look incredibly horrible to walk in, even for women), it's a good bet no one will notice, or care. I've bought a few pairs of women's Converse Hi-Tops over the years, and you can't tell the difference. The only downside to them is they don't last long when you walk everywhere, so I've switched to Vans, because they seem more durable. Sorry for going on a slightly altered trajectory, but basically, shoes are shoes, and no one gives a crap. If, however, you did by those high heels (really ladies, we're fine with you wearing comfy flats), then work it, girlfriend!

Do you like them ? Do they suit you ? That's all that matters, honestly.

Peaches1914 13

Do you like the pair and are they comfortable? That’s all that really matter.