By Tom - 25/11/2010 13:28

Today, a car hit me. I didn't get hurt, but someone called 911. The old woman who had hit me got out of the car with no problem to look at me, and gets back into the car. When the police arrive, she pulls out crutches and said I made strange faces and made her hit me. I got blamed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 171
You deserved it 2 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

don't you hate old people who take advantage of their frail, withered body??

WTSchool 0

o.O I knew no good would come from city folk and them drivin' machines.


don't you hate old people who take advantage of their frail, withered body??

this is why mandatory euthanasia for people over 70 should be passed by parliament.

sourgirl101 28

I'm so sorry you hate your grandparents.

azhein 0

That would be more like genocide.

my dad does that in court, cept he uses his diabetes excuse and the fact that he's an amputee, he goes in a wheelchair and brings crutches along

haquai 0
boyguydudemalema 0

i hate it when old bags do that, dont worry op shell die b4 you anyways

ThoraxeTheImpale_fml 0

18 just started the Old People halocaust.

WTSchool 0

o.O I knew no good would come from city folk and them drivin' machines.

KiddNYC1O 20

I know right. There should be an age limit for drivers. Or something...

bamagrl410 31

Spongebob reference? Damn app not posting my comments...

Old people hat you to. And not all old people are mean. Some of the sweetest people on earth are old.

ThoraxeTheImpale_fml 0

old people don't's all the governments fault.they make old people do this.haven't you noticed almost everyone in the government is old!?

climbthoserocks 6

did anyone else see the accident? then you can prove she lied and she will get in huge trouble for lying AND hitting you.

starberries 0

That doesn't even make sense. Since when is "making strange faces" a justification for hitting someone with a car? This is stupid.

loski87 4

not only that, but if she supposedly injured herself in the crash, why does she already have crutches?

alextheguineapig 0

She's obviously prepared for anything. In fact, she probably has a shotgun in her trunk in case she's encountered by wild bears.

jackirose 0

ha. shove you're glowstick down her throat. make her swallow. problem solved:D

How does you making strange faces make it ok for her to hit you with a car??? That's the stupidest excuse I've ever heard. And the cops blamed you!! This is rediculous...