By dumb tourists - 31/03/2013 06:19 - China - Beijing

Today, a blonde tourist came up to me and asked me for directions to the nearest train station. I politely directed her there, and she left. Five minutes later, she came back and slapped me for not bringing her to an "English-speaking station". We're in China, lady. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 933
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kudos to her for tracking you down just to give you a slap.

"Today, a blonde tourist.." I expected something like this to happen


Life_sucks_13 6

We could all pay attention to the fact that it's an FML, where most people go for laughs, so that we can stop bitching for a page about blonde stereotypes. Chill, it's not that serious. Laugh a little.

I am really sorry for your experience. I have been to china and to Beijing. And if you have half a brain and even a very basic vocabulary. Ni Ge and Je Ge. Then there is no reason for her to not be able to get through the subway system and even get one of the reusable cards for travel. If she meant the actual long distance rail station, then that is her fault. My apologies for your experience.

BadLuckDude12345 14

yeah, we need some english-speaking ones!

what a complete & utter idiot, sorry op :(

I'm going to assume she was American, because let's face it that's kind of what we're known for. So on behalf of the handful of Americans who try not to be complete assholes in other countries, I apologize.