Thirst trap

By Anonymous - 18/03/2010 07:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were play-wrestling on the couch. I got thirsty, so I got up and grabbed a metal water bottle and drank out of it. He tried to playfully touch it and spill water on me, but instead hit it hard enough to where it slammed my mouth, chipped my tooth, and cut open my lip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 909
You deserved it 4 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Owww. Don't worry, I heard chipped teeth are sexy. On beavers.

Ouch. If you keep the chip, the dentist can glue it back on.


wow ur life doesn't suck wtf is wrong with u? u were having fun and shit happened, how sad...not

That chipped tooth must be sexy though.

It sounds like an accident. Why get revenge? He probably feels horrible enough already.

Agreed! They just happen. Stop being so uptight!

metal... well aluminum water bottles are very popular. they're part of the efforts to better the environment.

Emilyroxx 3

#37, SHUT UP!!! i cant belive that someone hasnt moderated this yet. god.

TheChuckNorris 0

Now you have experienced, 1/100 of the pain from my roundhouse kicks to the face.

Wow, you must like it a little too rough and I catch your drift when you say water bottle ;)

dave913 0

I always love these pussy fmls they make me lol. suck it up op