By toothbreaker - 21/08/2019 16:00

Today, I was wrestling with my boyfriend when I accidentally kneed him in the chin and chipped his front tooth. I broke his real tooth, as well as the fake part from when he chipped it ten years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 551
You deserved it 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Things should be ok, just as long as he believes it was “accidental.” Our little secret, heh-heh-heh ;)

Only two? I’ve seen guys pick their teeth up off of the ice, go in the back to get the bleeding to stop, and be back out in time for the next shift. It could have been worse.


Things should be ok, just as long as he believes it was “accidental.” Our little secret, heh-heh-heh ;)

Only two? I’ve seen guys pick their teeth up off of the ice, go in the back to get the bleeding to stop, and be back out in time for the next shift. It could have been worse.