Thirst trap

By Anonymous - 18/03/2010 07:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were play-wrestling on the couch. I got thirsty, so I got up and grabbed a metal water bottle and drank out of it. He tried to playfully touch it and spill water on me, but instead hit it hard enough to where it slammed my mouth, chipped my tooth, and cut open my lip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 909
You deserved it 4 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Owww. Don't worry, I heard chipped teeth are sexy. On beavers.

Ouch. If you keep the chip, the dentist can glue it back on.


*hug* he shouldve watched what he was doing. there's joking around and then there's just being a dumbass

Peacemaker9 7

u did say u were play wrestling!!!!!!

men and always "playfully touching it" sheesh

wonders how long it will take for someone to claim the bf hit her deliberately *aka deliberately to cause injury*

guys must understand that most girls are much more delicate than men are :'(

VerilyISayith 1

So that's what the kids are calling it these days?

That happened to me at a party with a glass of water and a very drunk friend. FYL

you must seek revenge. a broken node should do the trick!