
By uh-oh - 21/07/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower when my boyfriend suddenly hopped in with me. We were getting a little frisky when my mom's hand unexpectedly came through the curtain, dropped a condom on the bottom of the shower, all the while saying, "Keep it safe kids!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 109
You deserved it 30 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wrw28405 0

I think that's a pretty kick ass mom.


martialartist7 0

not an fml. be glad you actually have cool parents.

Funnier if your mom walked in naked and asked to join

blondiee09 0

wow u have a cool mom. mine probably would've stuck a shotgun in the shower

Knowing her daughter was doing that and not giving her protection would be shitty parenting. Unless the OP is 12, I would give her mother props for being so understanding that, guess what, after a certain point sex does become an interest and punishing them for thinking about it/trying to partake in it is going to do nothing but push them into it more and add a stigma to what should be a perfectly natural act. Turning 18 does not automatically give someone enough knowledge and maturity to have sex. There are people that are idiots about the topic in all age groups - and if the OP is mature enough to have it, more power to her.

Hey 190, I was gonna say that. But I didn't get around to it. Thank you for articulating something I probably never would've myself.

hahahaha your mom is awesome!!! at least she provided safety :P

triplethreat13 0

my mom would murder me, your mom is awesome!! so not an fml

Wow, that's embarassing. FYL for your mom embarassing you, she should have talked to you about it before. But it seems like your mom's cool! Most people's moms would kill that guy and you.

MetalCraze 11

It's sad your mom is encouraging you to be a ****

I like that you assume she is a **** when you don't know how long they've been together, their age, or the seriousness of the relationship. Her mom just doesn't want an unwed pregnant daughter. At least she doesn't have the "abstinence" blinders on. She may be a little open about it but that's better than ignoring it.