
By uh-oh - 21/07/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower when my boyfriend suddenly hopped in with me. We were getting a little frisky when my mom's hand unexpectedly came through the curtain, dropped a condom on the bottom of the shower, all the while saying, "Keep it safe kids!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 109
You deserved it 30 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wrw28405 0

I think that's a pretty kick ass mom.


Why "FML"? That doesn't sound like a huge issue to me, if you mom is cool enough, to give you a condom, I would say that you have it made... Just my Opinion.

your mom is awesome, it would be a FML if she kicked your boyfriend out of the shower and made him leave naked.

awkward, but your mom is really amazing.

mom is cool. but if u had sex even after she dropped the condom in, i dunno if u'll be respecting her. Its just a nice way of saying - lay off it! But hey, what do i know abt ur mom(or family)... Stay cool :)

LOL. ydi for not getting a condom but fyl cuz of the situation in general. so funny.

I wouldn't say you deserve it, per se, but it definitely isn't fyl. Be grateful your mom cares! If you didn't have a condom already you're stupid.

Wow are you kidding me, I want to know how old the girl and guy are!

KryptoniteKiss 0

Does it really matter? Geez.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that the couple are in their late teens/twenties of the mom didn't care.

tubaguy42 0

glad i'm not the only one that thinks this is fake. i don't believe it for a second

Cocopuffs0012 0