
By uh-oh - 21/07/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower when my boyfriend suddenly hopped in with me. We were getting a little frisky when my mom's hand unexpectedly came through the curtain, dropped a condom on the bottom of the shower, all the while saying, "Keep it safe kids!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 109
You deserved it 30 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wrw28405 0

I think that's a pretty kick ass mom.


lilactress717 1

How is this FML? More like IHAAM. I Have An Awesome Mom.

theroofisonfire 0

how is this FML, it's like god bless your mom i mean she practicaly said it was ok for you to do it

FYL?? Yea right Your mom caught you having sex and gave you a condom and was fine with it. thats ******* awesome

awesomelylame 0

That's hilarious. Your mom's awesome!

I'd like to remind everyone her mom just intruded into their private time. I'd be pissed too.

Freed0mfr1es 0

Haha, I love these awesome mom stories, it gives me ideas for when I eventually have kids =P

wtf this is not an fml you have probably one of the coolest moms in the history of the world.... be glad she didn't totally freak on you like any normal boring mom would have...

Entity4Infinity 0

Hahaha my mom would be like uh not in your life time .. then probably ground me and never let him over again. Cool mom- yes.... FML?- no