
By Anonymous - 06/11/2009 14:31 - Denmark

Today, at a party, a fly flew into my mouth. I spat it out, and in an effort to wash my mouth out, I grabbed the can of coke that was on the table next to me. Apparently people had been spitting in there and using it as an ashtray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 744
You deserved it 9 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perstephane 4

Gross - but that's why you don't drink random things at parties. That, and a million other reasons...

perdix 29

You probably gave that fly lung cancer!


volleyballchick9_fml 0

what tasted better??? the fly or the spitty ash try?!!??

helpfulperson 9

YDI for trying to drink someone else's drink

Gross but you also deserve it for grabbing a random open can of coke.

Just another reason to never drink random things at parties

Why did you grab a random can sitting on a table when you're at a party?