
By Anonymous - 06/11/2009 14:31 - Denmark

Today, at a party, a fly flew into my mouth. I spat it out, and in an effort to wash my mouth out, I grabbed the can of coke that was on the table next to me. Apparently people had been spitting in there and using it as an ashtray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 744
You deserved it 9 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perstephane 4

Gross - but that's why you don't drink random things at parties. That, and a million other reasons...

perdix 29

You probably gave that fly lung cancer!


this isnt an FML, its an "I'm a dumbass, and I want people to feel bad for me"

It's just a fly. Damn, when will people be rational...

I was about to say "Another reason not to leave your drink unattended" but then I realized... it's not YOURS, so why did you drink out of it? Man I was sitting with a guy at a club last week, and he kept sipping out of everyone(in our party)'s drinks. I can't believe people do that. Someone could have a cold or something worse, and you're drinking out of their drink!

Sounds like just about every party, dumbass.

Mx_Rider 6

fail fail fail fail fail gtfo and die fail fail what am i doing?

I lol'd. That sucks man. And @everyone if you're at some random party don't drink out of a random cup. If you're in your hometown and it's small- you know everyone well what's the matter? He had a ******* fly in his mouth he wanted to wash it out, jeez.

kravitzz1990 0

juststella....... BEST COMMENT ON HERE!!!! rofling!!!!!!! hahahahaaaaa... giggidy giggidy thats all folks!! xx

i dont know whats worse smokers or people who dip.