
By Anonymous - 11/12/2011 07:29 - Canada

Today, while my boyfriend was sneaking out before my parents awoke, he slipped on some ice and fell on their car. The alarm went off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 276
You deserved it 29 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He should have just ran off into the darkness, leading them to think that their car alarm saved them from a burglary.


bitchslapped22 14

That's when he books it the **** out of there and you make up an excuse for why the alarm just went off

Doesn't mean she is underage. She could be anywhere from 16 to 30 for all we know.

Torva_fml 16

Salty pineapple. Ooh... We aren't just naming things that pop into our head? Darn...

KVKdragon 26

Couldn't he have just grabbed the edge of the roof after he slipped on the ice? That'd be the first thing I'd do if I slipped while climbing off a roof :/

xStaciexLynnx 15

How tall are you that you can just reach up and grab a roof?

What roof? The way it's worded says he fell on ice and hit a car. Most likely on the driveway. If he fell 5m and smashed the roof of the car don't you think it would have been worded differently? And she would probably be watching him in the hospital, not posting on FML.

perdix 29

You just need to tell them that he was just coming instead of going. That might not help your case much :(

KVKdragon 26

Actually it could help. If the bf is willing to take the heat, she could just say that she didn't know he was coming over ;)

perdix 29

It depends if the parents think that "coming" means what you think it means or what I think it means.

flockz 19

tell them rudolph slipped off the roof. that mother ******'s really clumsy.

SixShooterSambo 4

I bet he took off running once the adrenaline got pumping... hopefully he got away in time!

samikitty961 8

even if the OP's boyfriend gets away, She's going to have a hard time explaining what she was doing outside so early in the morning.

For a second, I thought "some ice" was a piece of clothing.