By kill me - 31/01/2009 15:30 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me and while trying to make a dramatic exit, I slammed his car door, slipped on the ice and landed on my back in front of a large crowd of onlookers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 163
You deserved it 8 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Clicked YDI as soon as I saw the words, "dramatic exit".

lemonkid44 0

sounds like the beginning of a romantic comedy!!! call my office and we'll talk :)


lemonkid44 0

sounds like the beginning of a romantic comedy!!! call my office and we'll talk :)

turtlemansam 6

it's best to not make a dramatic exit at all. cause some of the time if you fail, #2 will happen.

FBIWarning 0

LMAO i bet your ex got a nice little laugh out of it :D

Clicked YDI as soon as I saw the words, "dramatic exit".

That got a little more 'dramatic' then you wanted, no?

ryguy997 0

next time something like that happens leave quietly.

jazziness 12

YDI for " trying to make a dramatic exit"