By Anonymous - 08/12/2018 12:30

Today, I was playing card games with some colleagues a won a hand. One mate said jokingly "your mother never loved you!", I replied jokingly "at least your mother loved me"... All of a sudden he punched in the face and said, "don't ever disrespect my mother again". FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 272
You deserved it 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well that escalated quickly. I don't understand how people can joke but when someone else does, they get all offended about it.

That was a good comeback OP, well done. Your friend shouldn't dish out if he can't handle having it circle back at him.


OP, who did your mate punch in the face? Himself? It doesn't say....

Dude, unlike your cards, mothers are supposed to be left off the table.

well that escalated quickly. I don't understand how people can joke but when someone else does, they get all offended about it.

Stiggy626 25
Virids 13

People who do this are what we call thin-skinned.

That was a good comeback OP, well done. Your friend shouldn't dish out if he can't handle having it circle back at him.

that was a good comeback. And your friend sounds like an immature mommas boy twat

Sounds like this guy should never go where “yo mamma” jokes are popular — which is pretty much everywhere.

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Some people really can’t take a joke.

He shouldn’t be making jokes if he can’t take one

MA_medQ 7

If you are from the states there’s always the option of suing (or so I’ve been told). He sounds like a toxic child and if I was you I’d steer clear of him in the future but not before I’d made it clear to him that behavior like that is completely unacceptable.

I never understood how guys are getting so crazy when someone disses their mothers. Especially when a "yo momma" joke is involved. I once tried to start a discussion with a guy about a football player who headbutted some guy during a game because he said something mean about his mother. I asked him if he would freak out if I told him something like "your mom is a ****" and he seriously started to freak out and scream at me. Wtf.