By robbedonCTA - 22/09/2009 06:20 - United States

Today, I felt a tug on my backpack and found my wallet missing. A nice stranger pointed to a guy running down the stairs and said "There goes the guy who took your wallet!" I ran to catch the supposed offender. The 'nice' stranger was the actual offender distracting me as he got away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 109
You deserved it 7 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smart guy. Crap. There goes our only advantage.

YDI for keeping your wallet in your backpack.


moonlight_daze 8
Reyo 2

Look on the bright side. You now know what he looks like and can give a description to the campus police. Chances are he's a student there.

christa953 12

19: there are these people called pickpockets. They can brush right by you and take something of yours without you even feeling anything

britches 0

Ouch. What a dick. At least you can sleep well knowing you're not a huge douchebag like that...or are you... O.o

Once again another puzzle which we must ponder......... Smart crook though, FYL

britches 0

Ouch. What a dick. At least you can sleep well knowing you're not a huge douchebag like that...or are you... O.o

Smart guy. Crap. There goes our only advantage.

YDI for keeping your wallet in your backpack.

moonlight_daze 8

Who the **** keeps their wallet in plain sight and sticking out of a backpack? That's just asking for someone to steal it.. And isn't that whole "he went that-a-way!" trick common in old Bugs Bunny cartoons?

Haha someone obviously didn't watch enough Cartoon Network as a child. Proof that Loony Tunes incorporates life skills!

Word for word what I was going to say. I didn't know anyone actually kept anything important and theft-worthy anywhere but mashed against their person, and in such a way that it would be painfully obvious if someone tried to remove it.

Ichigoner 0

Well...the other way could be true too. Today, I felt a tug on my backpack and found my wallet missing. A nice stranger pointed to a guy running down the stairs and said "There goes the guy who took your wallet!" I didn't believe him and searched him for my wallet. He didn't have it. FML

moonlight_daze 8

So you were robbed on the CTA, huh? Well, YDI for riding on the CTA instead of staying home on your computer.. Actually, what the hell, YDI for living here in Chicago. Try living out by the cornfields downstate instead.

YDI. someone able to take your wallet out in one tug? lol. and the fact that you would make it visible in your backpack. definitely YDI but probably fake.

There are many, many, many idiots out there. Remember kids with their names stitched to their backpacks? Or people who hide keys in [obviously] fake rocks?

When will they learn?! While in the city NO PURSES FOR WOMEN. NO JEWELRY, And guys keep your wallets in your crotch,,, GEEZ Fyl And yet ydi for no common sense ps lock laptops to the cafe tables as well to stop snatch n grabs...

that why I keep mine in the front pocket beacuse I'll see if someones reaching for my ****

There's probably not much to see anyways...

What if it's a hot woman who is trying to steal your wallet.. and you thought she was trying to reach for your ****?