
By Anonymous - 11/12/2011 07:29 - Canada

Today, while my boyfriend was sneaking out before my parents awoke, he slipped on some ice and fell on their car. The alarm went off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 276
You deserved it 29 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He should have just ran off into the darkness, leading them to think that their car alarm saved them from a burglary.


xStaciexLynnx 15

Why is everyone assuming he was climbing off the roof? Op never said he was climbing down just that he was sneaking out...

ydi. no matter what your age if you live with your parents you follow their rules. stop being so disrespectful as to have bf snuck into their house.

practice makes perfect ;-) lucky me, I ended up married to the one sneaking out my window :-)

bubo_fml 10

"No Sir! I was not visiting your daughter on the sly for a clandestine shag...I was...erm...Suppose to meet some friends here to decorate your place as a Christmas surprise! What-da-ya say we go inside & enjoy some egg nog? ""

lucyinthesky420 10

Ydi for going behind your parents backs.

Best boyfriends all have tongues like pianist's fingers, pianist's fingers, and catlike grace. FYL.

I feel your pain, sweetie. I had a boyfriend get caught sneaking out my window when he accidentally broke it.