Nap buddies

By Anonymous - 16/03/2022 16:01 - United States - Santa Barbara

Today, I found out that my father is telling people that we sometimes sleep with each other, meaning it literally. He knows the figurative meaning of that phrase, but insists that “not everyone has a dirty mind.” Thankfully, since I’m an adult he won’t get into legal trouble, but still, ewww. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 367
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

actually he can still get in trouble as incest is illegal in pretty much every state. you may want to explain this to him, before someone calls the cops on him.....and you

Why would you sleep with your dad anyway? If you're old enough to know what the insinuation is and to be on this site, you're old enough to sleep in your own bed and not with your parent(s) like a five-year-old.


The figurative meaning of calling someone “Daddy” reaches a whole new level right here

Jon Tessler 14

actually he can still get in trouble as incest is illegal in pretty much every state. you may want to explain this to him, before someone calls the cops on him.....and you

Why would you sleep with your dad anyway? If you're old enough to know what the insinuation is and to be on this site, you're old enough to sleep in your own bed and not with your parent(s) like a five-year-old.

wrenavery90 12

I'm trying to figure out why you're sleeping with your father?