
By Taylor D - 07/08/2011 04:40 - United States

Today, I went to Walmart to get some acne cream. As I approached the register, I looked in my wallet for the money. The cashier saw that I didn't have enough money, and before I could say anything, he goes, "Just take it, I've never seen anyone who needs it this much." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 200
You deserved it 4 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take your glove off, slap him, and take your business elsewhere.

AaronTkr 0


TyraaChichester 2

That's rude :/ .. Well at least u got it for free

ihatemekay 6

Not much of an FML...The cashier was generous that's all.

Wow he's a jerk! At least u got it for free! Haha lol

ifrigginheartyou 8

its called a wash cloth and soap every night before you go to bed(: wet the cloth with hot water and put the cloth on your face to open the poors then put acne wash on your face (the best is clearasile) then wash the soap off your face with COLD water to close the poors then finish it off with the acne cream(; best crean is ZAP ZIT(:

blair_x 12

It's called having permanent acne scars/red marks left over from other dead pimples from years past. Those take AGES to go away/fade, if you're lucky. No cream or mask or wash in a store will ever take them away. They might reduce it slightly, but it'll still be there. It's a ******* living hell to have your face be a graveyard of pimples, and what's more, those of us who have them are relentlessly teased for it, for not being naturally clear-skinned and beautiful. Not all of us have such treatable, mild cases of acne.

Thank you! My thoughts exactly, and I'm glad someone else explained it to this little girl because I'm exhausted from reading her post!

Ohmygodd seriously .? Leave him the -bluck- alone. -tamn- he didn't "open it up for discussion"? && even if he did so the -bluck- whaat? Anddd .? && nothing leave him the -bluck- alone. It's like your standing on hiis diqq Baack off. Your being the gay one here. Get off his jock bro, like -dihtt- giive em' Somme spaace to take a shiktt. Stop sitting around saying he's a "gayyboii" your the gaay one trying to maake him look bad. You don't even -bluckiing- know the kidd. Back the -bluck- off. Stop plaaying wiith his diqq. Go plaay wiith someone else's You enjoy thaat.

blair_x 12 least you got free stuff.