By Anonymous - 06/05/2017 02:20

Today, as I was pulling out of my apartment complex, I was rear-ended. When I got out of my car to see how bad the damage was, I wondered why the other guy wasn't getting out of his. As it turns out, he was busy pleasing himself. I found out when I approached his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 948
You deserved it 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Got to watch out for those car jackers!

I do not understand this world and the people that inhabit it....and I'm one of them ffs.


And they say texting while driving is dangerous!!!

I do not understand this world and the people that inhabit it....and I'm one of them ffs.

What the...f?how? What? Why? Huh? I heard of texting and driving but he took it to a whole new level! The world is a loony bin!

I hope you didn't let him get off without getting his insurance and identification information.

Maybe you should be happy he just rear-ended you with his car, if you know what I mean.;)

Sounds like you got rear-ended in more ways than one.

Cyberpope 3

4 people is a foursome, 3 people is a threesome; apparently this gross pig was handsome! Poor you.

I hope you're filing a complaint for "public indecency" or "open and gross lewdness" or whatever criminal charge covers pleasuring yourself in public in your state.