
By Anonymous - 16/03/2011 17:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I went on a date, the first one I've been on since my last boyfriend broke up with me 6 months ago. We were at a restaurant, and at the end of meal he insisted on paying the bill. He wanted to leave a 15% tip but couldn't work out in his head how much to leave. The bill was for £100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 929
You deserved it 14 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That isn't that bad. Atleast he wasn't making you pay :)

be glad someone spent $100 on a first date for you, when it's just a dinner.


1) she never said anything about not appreciating the fact that he paid for her on a first date at such an expensive restaurant.. she also never asked for him to pay for her.. i think the hole point of this fml is that the date was going so well and that he seemed like the perfect guy being so sweet and paying for her.. then she was really disappointed when she found out he was brain dead. I mean the girl never said she wanted a Harvard graduate she never even said he had to be smart but honestly one of the biggest turn offs to a girl is when a guy is semi retarded. how reliable of a guy is he going to be when he has absolutely no common sense.. how the hell can you say he was nervous? being nervous is what you get during a job interview or final exam.. not paying a bill.. being bad at math is one thing.. but not being able to do simple everyday calculations like 15% on a 100 dollar bill is just sad. No girl wants to date a retard. who is this guy, Chris griffin? please people dont start arguing with me and saying that im also stupid because i made grammatical errors in my post.. thanks

How about stupid because you said dollars when it's in pounds?

NA053193 0

He spent 100 bucks for you and you have nothing to do but complain and call him stupid on a website? sounds like he is too good for you!!!

Just move the decimal 2 spaces to the left. I assure you, the waiter will be grateful.

why would you complain, hes payin for you!

kinga08 0

Here in the U.S., a waiter will run out into the street chasing after you if you don't leave a tip! It happened to my boyfriend's mom. It was a handwritten receipt so she didn't see that additional tax was added on the side so she tipped based on the amount without the tax, but with the tax that she didn't notice she had unknowingly left him only a $3 tip. He ran out yelling at her and causing a scene...lovely, huh? But then again waiters in America make way below minimum wage from what I know, so tips become their livelihood. I just recently traveled to Ecuador and tips are not common there, I found it very odd, but hey, every culture is different!

joshswensoon15 0

wow, he doesn't know "basic" math the world is gonna end!. honestly quit bitching and get over the fact that you suck

kaydeeee 0

So what is 15% of 100?? Seriously??

TheBeatlesAreLov 0
AKALurch 0

so.... where's the fml, a guy took u out and is paying for the entire dinner stop bitching!!!!!!!