By Anonymous - 16/03/2017 22:00

Today, my boyfriend and I had a lovely dinner date. Our waitress was really sweet, so we talked about leaving her a big tip. When we got home, we discovered we both thought the other person had left it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 273
You deserved it 1 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ImminentDisaster 12

I guess you could always go back to give her it

Definitely go back. Keep the receipt. Go back ASAP and explain what happened and give her the tip and thank her and apologize for the oversight. I have definitely done this before and the waitress was moved to tears thankful and appreciative. It would absolutely make her day.


ImminentDisaster 12

I guess you could always go back to give her it

or let by gones be by gones and dont let it bother you? they didn't tip its not the end of the world.

KuranNayuki 4

for the server, it can be. In the U.s., the minimum wage is just over $2 an hour for a server, plus they pay of their percentage of sales to the restaurant. Where i worked, it was 8%. So if you came in and spent $200 for a nice dinner and tipped $30 (the basic 15%), then i would pay out $16 of those dollars, leaving me with $14. If you forgot to tip, I would still pay that 8%, effectively paying $16 for the "honour" of serving you. The restaurant industry screws employees (servers arent entitled to breaks like hourly or salaried employees are and will regularly work 12-14 hour shifts with no breaks. we have to take bites of our meals in the back while still running out to serve people). When a server works so hard and doesn't get tipped, its like a slap in the face. I once had to pay over $30 to the house after the hibachi chef at my table argued with a customer over a racist comment the customer said and i left work in tears because I effectively worked for free that night (as the amount I paid was almost the same as what i made on my other tables) Sometimes its hard to fathom if you've never worked in a restaurant, but tipping is a huge deal.

PeterB444 17

For a second I thought you meant that you both left a huge tip and were out a lot of money there for a sec haha

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Skjohnson1 11

Him cheating with her won't be a problem....since he's gay....

Your way of thinking is really unhealthy. It's never your job to make sure that your partner doesn't cheat. If he/she is likely to cheat, they will eventually

He might give her more than just the tip. ?

Should I buy you a trampoline since you like jumping to conclusions?

Maybe they're both blind and typed this fml using speech to text? That's the only way I could see how it was forgotten. One of you signs the check, or you'd both see cash on the table. I'm not entirely sure this happened.

I always stick the cash in the black folder the check comes in so it's possible they both handled it and thought the other was taking care of it.

If I do cash, so do I (or on the table) but we sit right across from one another. How would one or the other not see? If you're both sitting down, one person obviously has to put a card/cash in and either write the tip/leave the tip. You'd either say "Don't worry about change." So you'd know it's left, you'd put it in afterwards, and again, you'd both see it. Or it would be left on the table. Is one person leaving the table before the other? I stick with my statement!

Yeah I agree, I mean... me and my boyfriend discuss payment. We see if either of us has cash, and then we discuss how much we should leave. I mean you're like 3 feet from the other person, so even if you don't talk about it, you can see if they left money or not!

Welp, I guess when y'all realized that you forgot to tip it was pretty akward

Definitely go back. Keep the receipt. Go back ASAP and explain what happened and give her the tip and thank her and apologize for the oversight. I have definitely done this before and the waitress was moved to tears thankful and appreciative. It would absolutely make her day.

I am a server, and I once had a very busy night where I was the only server on and I had multiple tables of 4 or more, one table of 10 I believe it was, and lots of smaller tables. I believe I had 18 tables in 3 hours. This was only my second or third month ever serving. I work at a restaurant that does takeout/delivery as well so food was taking very long to come. I had many tables complaining about the wait. However, there was one table who did not tip, and the guy paying was very rude to me. His wife came back 20 minutes later and apologized, and told me she knew it wasn't my fault for how long things were taking and gave me a $20 tip. I was extremely grateful and honestly a little moved that she took the time to come back to make sure that I got a tip and apologize for the way her husband had treated me. There are some good customers out there.

You could always go back and give her a tip. Or give it next time you go there for dinner. But no need to feel bad, it's not like tipping is required, it's only something extra when the service and food is really great.

It's always nice to assume someone else will leave that 'big' tip...

The next time you visit that place she won't be that nice to you after all.