
By Anonymous - 23/06/2010 23:06 - United States

Today, it was the girl of my dreams' birthday. She already knows I am totally in love with her. So for her birthday I decided to buy her a $60 dollar bottle of rum for her and her friends to have fun with. She picked it up from my house with her new boyfriend waiting in the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 439
You deserved it 39 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Crash the party and get that shit baaaack, brosky. The rum, I mean, not the girl.

samanthadude 0

If she isn't interested there isn't much you can do. The faster you move on, the faster you'll find a girl who loves you just as much as you love her. :]


thatguy888 0

YDI For expecting her to not date anyone because of you

have you ever heard of "getting over it" OP?

yarbles 3

should've smashed it over that guy's head and ran her over

Ha. I bet you can guess what's happening in the backseat of that car this evening. eh? eh?

sammehsaurus 0

A party with birthday cupcakes? I bet she'll get to blow the candle too(;

luvpav 0

it's not too bad. this is a ydi. if she hasn't said anything for all this time, she isn't going to change because of some rum.

imdaboss_55 3

It's not the fact that she has a boyfriend that makes it a FML. it's the fact that she brought her boyfriend to OP's house eventhough she knew OP liked her.

I don't like the op either. but I'd stop by for a 60 dollar bottle of rum too since he obviouslly just likes being used. i'd prefer vodka though. thanks.

ken8lk 3

ah, the number of times this sort of thing has happened to me...lmfAo

supergirl69_fml 0

that's really sad op, I know the feeling..

That really sucks. That's when you grab the bottle from her after she grabs it, smash it on the new boyfriend's head, and talk to the girl to find out why she has ANOTHER boyfried, without breaking up with you first (but it'll probably turn into yelling). I hate unfaithful people...

From what I can tell, she wasn't unfaithful. OP said he was crazy in love with her, not that they were dating. He's just a doormat and keeps giving her stuff in hopes of winning her over.

so wait... if you write that out, for her birthday you got her a sixty dollar dollar bottle of rum?so did you, like, get a sixty dollar bottle of dollar store rum? do they even make those?

whoa whoa whoa..... this isn't my batman cup

ryguy997 0
OliviaNicole 5

Well what fun that must have been. Didya kick his ass?

Izzy_babii 0

OP seems like a stalker..mainly b/c he said "The girl of my dreams",I could be wrong but no guy I know says that.O_o

ninba20 0

ydi for buying an expensive gift when she isn't ur gf... next time save that money for a real gf

I was gonna make a joke about her blowing his birthday candle...but I was beaten to it... instead I shall say, man up OP you ****** pussy!! firstly, ditch her, it'll make her want you, and if she doesnt then it was never gonna happen.. secondly, $60 rum isn't meant for her and her fucktard friends to get wasted on. next time buy a few litres of vodka...

What is with everyone; acting as if his gift is so expensive?? Some of you make it sound as if OP is going to go homeless because he spent $60 on a bottle of alcohol. I don't know where you people buy your alcohol... but for trying to impress the "girl of my dreams" on her b-day, a $60 bottle of rum isn't a big deal. keep in mind his goal was "for and her friends to have" a good night ;)

WeselyDa 0

shit I'd say grow a sack and make her fall in love with u... although it is a little creepy how u buy them rum.. but still if u want her do sumthin about it!!

#121 $60 isn't too much to spend on a girl who actually returns your affections and appreciates your efforts, but in this case the girl is just taking advantage of his generosity.

today, it's my girlfriends birthday and she insisted we stopped by the house of this guy who is stalking her, because he continually gives her expensive gifts in attempts to steal her from me. We now have a really expensive bottle of rum to drink and this is not my batman cup. fml.

gingernator 0

don't worry man. same sorta thing thing happened to me too.

distopia92 0

the op was just saying that he really liked her and she knew that, and she brought her boyfriend down as a put down even though she knew what he was trying to do, and by 'NEW BOYFRIEND' means that she just got into the relationship with him and it was so recent he didn't know about it, if he did he wouldn't have got her the gift, FyL for not knowing about the new guy sorry dude

mclostthankgod 1

not everyone is a ***** like you

bozo92 0

um you ever see that guy at the corner of the room that always is starring at you while you are in class, if not its cuz you're that dude, dont be a stalker dude just be friends with her hah

mason0919 0

kinda gotta agree with this lol minus the running her over one

supernice 0

41: it is spelled pwned, there is no o in it.

Crash the party and get that shit baaaack, brosky. The rum, I mean, not the girl.

samanthadude 0

If she isn't interested there isn't much you can do. The faster you move on, the faster you'll find a girl who loves you just as much as you love her. :]

you liking her doesn't nesessarily mean she reciprocates your feelings, otherwise shed be with you already. stop letting her use you!

sheribb 5

you loser seriously get a grip move on ur like a door mat do u know what I don't believe this it's pathetic

knibbsy 4

I completely agree. Seeing someone who's crazy about someone else go out of their way for them and do unnecessary shit when the other person doesn't feel the same way makes me very angry. It's called reality, sometimes it sucks but that's how life works. OP is a ******* dumbass. Huge YDI for this.

FallyourLs 0

The average sentence length used to be 27 words, it's now 10 words. Read more intelligently wriiten literature (Twilight does't count) and maybe when you see gramatically correct - and appropriately long - sentences you won't automatically think they are run-on sentences or missing periods.

I think FallyourLs was talking to sheribb. "you loser seriously get a grip move on ur like a door mat do u know what I don't believe this it's pathetic" That "sentence" is not correct by any standards.

you shoulda put eyedrops in the bottle. ydi for bein a poontang

ElMundio87 0

she isn't going out with you because you haven't grown testicles yet